Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Idiocy in your tea? One lump or two?

The Tea Party Express rolled its way through Utah yesterday and brought with it piles and piles of lies, ignorance and outright bigotry. A Florida radio host complemented her "birther" nonsense with - what would one call it? - "college degree-er" nonsense?
Andrea Shay King, a Florida radio host traveling with the Tea Party Express, said she might need to see proof of the president's college education and "your birthplace in Hawaii -- or wherever it is."
The same fountain of wisdom claimed the spiritual high ground:
We have God on our side and we are righteous.
So she believes God allowed a foreign national without an education to steal the Presidency while successfully masquerading as a natural-born American with a degree from Harvard Law School, but now he's not going to put up with that kinda crap anymore? Was he asleep during the election? Oh, wait. I'm expecting consistent logic from a wingnut.
Another genius who drove down from Idaho to wave his flag in the rally bemoaned the notion that his seven children know more about Martin Luther King Jr. than about Paul Revere. If it were an actual choice between the two of them, which it is of course not, children should indeed know more about a man who spent his life, and ultimately gave it, fighting so an entire class of people could have the same rights as their countrymen than an 18th Century folk hero who gave up a night's sleep to sound the alarm.
A trio of hopefuls for the seat of Sen. Bob Bennett spoke regarding the divine inspiration of the U.S.'s founding documents. Anyone who thinks the U.S. Constitution is a religious document either hasn't read it or is incapable of doing so. These people want to be one of our 100 Senators.  Think about that. If I pointed to a sign that said "This is a sign." and said "That is not a sign. I wish to be your leader." would you give me the green light?
My message to these whack jobs is this: Keep it up. The more crazy you spew out, the more moderate, good people who have somehow gotten sucked into this movement will realize it is irrational, deceitful, dangerous hysteria and they don't really belong there after all.

I got so caught up I forgot the best part from radio host Mark Williams:
Socialism, progressivism, whatever you want to call it, invariably results in hundreds of millions of dead, innocent bodies.

Yeah Mark. I've been to Sweden. Barely got out with my life. All those Scandinavian shock troops combing the streets and bayonetting anyone who wouldn't take all the free money they were handing out. Real nightmare.
I call bullshit.

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